Hello, my name is Gemma.
I'm 16 years old, and in 25 september I will be seventeen.
I live in Campdevànol, and I have a family bussiness
In 2016  I started  studying backery in Girona and this year is my second year and i really enjoy.
I speak Catalan, Spanish, French and English.
Here I will post my recipt and maybe something that I do in my live.


  1. Hello Gemma :) I also study pastry with you and I think that this year we'll have a great time together. I'm sure your blog will be great! See you on Monday :P

  2. Wow! Do you speak French? When I was in high school, in the second year, I started to study French but I do not speak very well. If I read French I understand it enough.

  3. Hello, I like your blog, the subject is clear, your English is very good, to refuel together!!


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